Bognor Hairdressers


What Impressions Hairdressing Won’t DO…

Look All Great Relationships Are Based On Honesty And Trust.
So Let Us Be Honest And Tell You What You Won’t Get At Impressions Hairdressers Bognor.

Not This..

A Bognor Hairdressers full of people running around like headless chickens. Music set to stun, causing what some would call a “Buzz”- Sorry. We do listening and an oasis away from the “buzz” of life.

Sorry Not This Neither

If you love being passed from stylist to trainee and back again. Sorry, we ain’t for you. We are with you from when you arrive to when you leave.

Oh, And This won’t Happen Either

If you love having an inexperienced stylist, do your hair for £9.90 because you love the adrenaline rush of if it’s going to turn outright. Sorry. We believe in quality and consistency.

FIRST TIME TO IMPRESSIONS? We’ll Take 50% Off Your First Salon Visit…..

And How We Continue To Add Value After That First Visit….

What’s Going On A Impressions…

Meet The Impressions Duo…..

Lee Boniface

Salon Owner/ Dad/Runner/Allergic to DIY & Gardening.

Lee has worked in the hairdressing industry for the last 40 years. For the last 24 years, he has owned Impressions Hairdressing. Lees’ driving force for impressions has always been that we provide great hair services and deliver real customer care; by the way, we conduct our consultations, listen and advise our clients, and make everyone feel looked after and wanted.

Claire Barnes

Senior Stylist/Saint For Putting Up With lee/Mum/Closet Party Animal.

Claire has been with Lee since the beginning (we feel sorry for her putting up with him all these years). Claire was a full-time creative director of the salon until the happy arrival of her son James. She now does three days a week (Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays), and the rest is rushing around being a busy parent. Claire loves the connection with people and the wonderful uplifting effect a great haircut or colour can have on a client’s life and well-being.