Learn What Jeremy Kyle Could Teach Hairdressers

What a guilty pleasure Jeremy Kyle Is.

jeremy kyle

People go onto the show sharing the most intimate details.
But Jeremy makes the show, with his comments and insight.
Today I caught an episode where an old man had had a £1000 stolen off him.
The lady he had accused had done a lie detector test.
She was asked did you steal the money.

The reply “no”

Jeremy Says “that’s right, you didn’t”

Much joy and celebration and celebration followed.
Then in a dark tone that only Jeremy has, he said.
“There is a second question we always ask with potential theft and it’s this”

“Did you know who stole the money”

“No” said the lady.

Hushed silence as Jeremy looked at the card.

“You lied you did know who stole the money” Said Jeremy.
Much gasping of the audience.

So what’s this got to do with hairdressing? You might be asking.
Well, if Jeremy had not asked the second question the lady would have got away with it.


So how often have you been in a salon when if you had perhaps been asked one or two more questions.
You might of got the hair cut or colour you wanted.

At Impressions we pride ourselves on asking the right questions at our consultations to get you the right results
Bye For Now.

Lee “Secret Jeremy Kyle Lover” Boniface
Impressions Hairdressing.

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