Curiosity is a great strength, I think, in a hairdresser. And the reason I believe this is it’s a form of caring to be curious.
I’ll give you an example. When somebody comes into the salon, and we ask….
What do you do with your hair?
Somebody might turn around and say, I put my hair up.
One of the questions I ask is the eight out of 10 rule, and the eight out of 10 rule is this.
1 being never 10 being every day.
How often do you wear your hair up?
So clients will give me a score. They will say three out of 10, Or they might say eight out of 10.
Now dependent on that reply. The type of styles or haircuts that I might suggest will differ significantly.
Now you might think that this sounds pretty obvious.
But if you step back from this a little bit, when the client first came in, you could think that she was the same as every client that wears their hair up.
It’s not until you get a little bit more curious that you begin to see the nuances and differences.
I often say that people are similar, but not the same.
And too often, I think people get lumped into a hairdressing box, labelled either long hair short hair. At the end of the day, there isn’t enough individuality when that occurs.
When the hairdresser shows curiosity towards you, which is a form of caring for you.
You’re much more likely to get a haircut tailored to you and the lifestyle you live, and the likes and dislikes you have.