Why Some Marriages Last Less Time Than The Relationship A Woman Has With Her Hairdresser
Hi, just another quick video from Impressions Hairdressing. Forgive me, it’s pretty early in the morning, very early no one’s here. Just thought I’d share this before we get going on our busy day.
Recently, I got this given to me by one of our customers, don’t know if you can see that. “Why women stay with hairdressers longer than their husbands” and it got me really thinking because one of my customers said, “Well why is that? Why do people stay here?” And it’s true, I’ve got actually customers that have been with me longer than I’ve been married and I’ve been married a long time, been married now for 26 years. My poor wife, eh?
Yeah, people do stay with their hairdressers really long time, or they stay with the good ones a long time. Why is that? I’d like to think it’s because without being too facetious, in many cases they get something that they don’t always get outside of their marriages. What that is is they get listened to and I think this is a core thing in human nature that people don’t feel listened to so often in their lives.
I ask you a question now. How often do you get asked the question, “What do you think?” Not very often. Most people are just fulfilling the only thoughts in their own head, their own thinking. They’re not actually thinking or looking for what the other person feels or thinks. In a hairdressing context this comes down down to the consultation and the ongoing advice and questions that you get asked throughout the whole time you’re with the hairdresser.
It really does come down to listening I think. I think this is what people who are going to hairdressers for long periods of time, sometimes longer than their marriage are getting say, “Oh, they’re getting a good service. They’re getting a good haircut or color.” Let’s be honest, good service etc hairdressers, that should be taken for granted. You should be getting that. The hairdressers that people stay with longer, I think they feel safe. They feel that they’re in a relationship where they can share and they can talk and they actually ask questions, get them answered and also they’re listened to.
Now coming back to this here paper, obviously in many relationships, and I’m not one to give relationship advice, is this is something that’s missing in a lot of people’s relationships. This is quite an interesting piece in why people stay with their hairdressers longer than their husbands. It’s quite telling.
So if you feel that your hairdresser is not listening to you or you’re feeling frustrated and you’re feeling that you’re not getting your point across or your point isn’t being taken on board, then I suggest that you come to Impressions Hairdressing. We just make that real easy for you because we want to build that relationship with you and the way we do that is by giving you £19.50 off your first Cut And Finish. We don’t pretend to be the cheapest in town. We don’t even aim to be. We’re not interested in that. We’re interested in building a relationship … you our customer and a long relationship as we say. I’ve got customers, as I say, that have been coming to me longer than I’ve been married and I’ve been married 26 years.
I thought I’d just share that, got to get on with my day, got lots to do. Hope you have a fantastic day and hope to see you in the salon sometime. Bye.